
When you choose to have your screens refurbished by ourselves, we offer a number of choices. The main decision is whether to go for the “screen-only” or the “full-device” service. We also offer optional hydrogel screen protectors and a “No IC” option.

(Please see also our screen refurbishment prices and our screen refurbishment form).

“Screen-Only” and “Full-Device” Screen Refurbishment

We’ve always offered high-quality LCD, OLED and AMOLED screen refurbishment, but there’s great news for those of you who dislike having to remove and fit the screens before and after sending them. We now offer full-device screen refurbishment where you send us the phone or tablet and we remove, refurbish and reinstall the screen for you!

“Screen-Only” Refurbishment

Our regular “screen only” service is just that- we refurbish and test the screens on their own, but you are responsible for removing them from the device before you send them to us and fitting them back in place where applicable.

“Full-Device” Screen Refurbishment

The “full device”*3 service is essentially the same, but you send the “full device” to ourselves and let us deal with the inconvenience of removing the damaged screen and reinstalling it after refurbishment!

For a full device repair, we will also swap over the existing matched IC if necessary.

With the full device service, we use diagnostic software beforehand to generate a report and pinpoint any possible problems before we go ahead with anything.

What You Can Expect

In both cases, you can expect the following levels of service:-

  • Glass replacement
  • Camera Bracket
  • Water Seal (6S upwards)
  • Backplate (7G upwards)
  • Premium Packaging*1
  • Premium Packaging*1
  • 3M primer used to seal iPad screen*2

  • Glass Replacement
  • New Frame
  • Premium Packaging*1

*1 Applies to “screen only” service only
*2 Applies to “full device” service only
*3 Refers to removal, refurbishment and re-fitting of screen only when “full device” supplied. If you require repairs or refurbishment to any other part of the device, please arrange this with us in advance.

Other Options

Hydrogel Screen Protectors

For a small additional charge, we can pre-fit a hydrogel screen protector to any of your refurbished screens. Please indicate this via the checkbox in the order form.

‘No IC’ option

Applies to selected screens only. Please check the “No IC” box if you do not want us to fit the IC to the cable.